Giant Cash Bonanza

Giant Cash Bonanza Lottery
Sign up to play the Giant Cash Bonanza Lottery which was created in 2002 to raise funds for various good causes including the Huddersfield Giants Youth Academy. It is promoted by the Giant Cash Bonanza Society and provides much needed funds for a number of beneficiaries.
Although there are a number of good causes that benefit from the Giant Cash Bonanza Lottery, all of the monies paid by you for your lottery numbers will, after the deduction of money for prizes in the Lottery and the reasonable expenses of administering it, be donated solely for the benefit of the Huddersfield Giants Youth Academy.
For just £2 a week you can support the Giant Cash Bonanza lottery. A percentage of the proceeds from the Lottery subscriptions will aid us in developing the next generation of Huddersfield Giants stars.
Ten unique numbers are entered into the weekly draw and two unique numbers will be entered into the free draws and annual £10,000 jackpot draw. Your lottery numbers will be entered into the draws together with the lottery numbers of other supporters of the Huddersfield Giants and the lottery numbers of the supporters of other beneficiaries.
Prizes Include:
1x £1000
1x £100
4x £50
4x £25
20x £10
3 x £10 Gift vouchers for the Odeon Cinema
5 x Pairs of Directors Box Tickets
5 x Pairs of Giants standard match ticket vouchers
Annual Prizes
1 x £10000
10 x £500

Free Prize Draw Information
To enter the Free Prize Draw please attend the Huddersfield Giants reception and quote ‘Free Prize Draw’. Maximum two entries per person, four entries per household. You will be entered into the next monthly Free Prize Draw.
If you wish to join the Giant Cash Bonanza Lottery and support the Huddersfield Giants please CLICK HERE.
Cash Bonanza Winners are drawn every Friday click here to view the weekly winners
Monthly Free Prize Draw and Game by Game Winners are available by clicking here
The Giant Cash Bonanza lottery is a £2 weekly lottery; £1 of which goes into the Cash Bonanza Club weekly lottery (see prizes above) and the other £1 goes into the end-of-year £10,000 draw which also has 10 runners-up prizes of £500 each. All monetary prizes are available to be won by any member from any beneficiary.
The Giant Cash Bonanza Society, the society promoting the Giant Cash Bonanza Lottery, is licensed by the Gambling Commission 28662
The member of the Giant Cash Bonanza Society who is designated as having responsibility within the society for the promotion of the lottery is Gary Kershaw.
Minimum age of entry 16 years old.
If you require information about lotteries, please visit the Gambling Commission website at
Should anyone need help or advice about problem gambling please visit
Any enquires, please send to: freepost GIANTCASHBONANZA
or email:
The Giants Academy has seen the likes of Eorl Crabtree, Leroy Cudjoe, Darnell McIntosh and Michael Lawrence progress through the ranks to become regular first team players because of your lottery proceeds. The Giants Lottery are continuing to nurture talent, but we need your continued support to do this.
Minimum age of entrants 16 years old. Registered with the Gambling Commission 28662. Person of Trust Mr G Kershaw.